Resources For Healing

If you're like most people you likely feel overwhelmed trying to wade through like....the entire internet....trying to find answers to your health problems or the health concerns of your children or loved ones. 

I hear you. I've been there. While this list is by no means exhaustive, I have linked books, documentaries, and products here that could be the "missing link" in your healing, or, at the very least, a tool to get you going in a more healthful direction. 

If you are struggling with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, a stress related condition, or something else then read through this list and click on whatever resource resonates with your condition. 

I trust one (or more) of these resources will land in the hands of the person who needs it, and because of it will find the healing and health we all desire and deserve. 


When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection: This book by Dr. Gabor Mate explores modern research...

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