Health is Who You Are

How changing your self concept surrounding your health changes everything.

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There are endless resources and opinions about how to "do" health (what to eat, how to exercise, etc). But what if I told you health is more a state of BEing than it is DOing?

  • Over the years as a health coach and private chef I've noticed a disheartening trend....a trend where I see so many people either: 1) eating and doing all the healthy things and STILL not achieving their health goals. OR 2) people struggling so much to consistently maintain healthy habits. 

Whether you fall in the first or second category, I believe the root cause is the same....

When we don't view ourselves as healthy people, it is near impossible to experience great health and make consistently healthy choices. 

The solution? 

A massive shift in perspective. A new paradigm. A realization that health isn't what we DO as much as it is WHO we are. 

 There simply must be a shift towards seeing ourselves FIRST as the healthy people we desire to be BEFORE we can realize extraordinary health. 

Does that land? We can't wait to have the healthy habits down pat, or all our symptoms erased and THEN think of ourselves as health. We must FIRST see ourselves as health, and by doing so, our health WILL improve.

When I dropped my own "sick" identity, everything changed.

For years I attempted to make changes for my health: to improve my diet, to start exercising more, to heal my symptoms....all to no avail. 

It wasn't until I realized the identity I had was one of a SICK, undeserving, and incapable person of achieving great health that I realized why I had been stuck for so many years.

As I began to acknowledge the stories in my head, to release limiting beliefs and fears, and replace those limiting beliefs with new, truer, more empowering stories...that's when everything changed for me. 

I started making consistently healthier choices. My health problems started to heal. I was naturally more excited and motivated to eat nourishing foods and to exercise without dread or force. 

Changing my perspective from "sick" to "healthy" was the catalyst for a WHOLE new healthier, happier me. 

This shift in perspective has been the single greatest thing I've ever done for my health. 

Now, nearly a decade later, with no health problems, and complete joy and ease around food, my body and my health, I want you to know how I did it too. 

Health is Who You Are


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*Community members be sure to message me for your coupon!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to message us at [email protected] or over on her Instagram!

What You'll Receive in the Course:

  • 30+ Videos to help you identify and release old, sick, broken stories and to replace with new, empowered stories of HEALTH.
  • Unrestricted, Lifetime Course Access
  • Access to all future videos and modules 
  • Flexibility to learn at your own pace
  • My "healthy meditation" series to help you rewire your brain to KNOW and EMBODY health...NOW. 
  • Journal Prompts and Questions to help you discover what your unique stories are that are keeping you sick and stuck.
  • A new mindset that KNOWS you are health and is inspired to take greater action towards implementing healthier habits.

Ultimately our health boils down to our level of connection to self. 

Health truly is WHO we are. So increasing our understanding of self, getting to know ourselves on a deeper level, is THE path to greater health and happiness.

Health isn't following another person's diet or protocol--that isn't connection to self at all. That is connection to another. 

In order to heal our symptoms, release the weight, or FINALLY maintain consistency around our healthy lifestyle, we need to know health is inherently WHO we are and establish habits that are true, exciting, and meaningful for us. 

 Are you ready to go inward and find the truth of who you are?!

I'm ready.