Raw Vegan Kitchen Essentials!

Hey all!

I've been asked many times what my favorite raw vegan kitchen equipment is so I'm going to list it all out for you here:

1) Kitchen Shears! My favorite must-have kitchen item is a good pair of kitchen shears! I use these every single day to cut and prepare my salads. They're so handy! I have the KitchenAid brand which is about $8 on Amazon. Such a cheap and highly useful item in my kitchen! 

2) Veggie Spiralizer! There are a lot of good veggie noodle makers out there but my personal favorite and the one I use nearly every day is a the brand: Zoodle Slicer. It's currently $9.99 on Amazon and well worth the price! This little hand spiralizer is so simple to use and easy to clean up if I'm just noodling up a couple zucchinis or cucumbers. I have a few larger spiralizers but I find this little one the most convenient and practical for small, daily prep for myself. 

 3) A Food Processor! Another kitchen item that is a bit underrated is a food...

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